Magento 2 French Language Pack (fr_FR) - Version 100.6.14


Magento Versions: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.1.0

Magento 2 - Translations English / French - Page 278 on 293
English French Since Magento Version Translated? Deprecated? Action
We found nothing to fetch because of an empty configuration.Aucune donnée trouvée en raison d'une configuration vide.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We found other products you might like!Nous avons trouvé d'autres produits qui pourraient vous intéresser !2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We found some problems with the data.Il y a des erreurs avec les données.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We found updated rules that are not applied. Please click £££Apply Rules£££ to update your catalog.Certaines règles n'ont pas été appliquées. Veuillez cliquer sur £££Appliquer les règles£££ pour mettre à jour le catalogue.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We had to skip DHL method %1 because we couldn\'t find exchange rate %2 (Base Currency).Nous avons dû ignorer la méthode DHL %1 car il était impossible d'obtenir le taux de change %2 (Devise de base).2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We had to skip DHL method %1 because we couldn't find exchange rate %2 (Base Currency).Nous avons dû ignorer la méthode DHL %1 car il était impossible d'obtenir le taux de change %2 (Devise de base).2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We have received a request to change the following information associated with your account at %store_name: %changes.2.1.0NoPropose a translation
We have received a request to change the following information associated with your account at %store_name: email.2.1.0NoPropose a translation
We have received a request to change the following information associated with your account at %store_name: email, password.2.1.0NoPropose a translation
We have received a request to change the following information associated with your account at %store_name: password.2.1.0NoPropose a translation
Weight:Poids :2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
WeightPoids :2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Weight (and above)Poids (et au-delà)2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Weight UnitUnité de Poids2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Weight vs. DestinationPoids par destination2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome, %1!Bienvenue, %1 !2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
welcomeBienvenue2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome EmailEmail de bienvenue2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome, %name2.1.0NoPropose a translation
Welcome, please sign inBienvenue ! Veuillez vous connecter2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome TextTexte de bienvenue2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome to %store_name.Bienvenue sur %store_name.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
Welcome to %store_nameBienvenue sur %store_name.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We\'ll ask for your payment details before you place an order.Vous devrez renseigner vos informations de paiement avant de confirmer votre commande.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative
We'll ask for your payment details before you place an order.Vous devrez renseigner vos informations de paiement avant de confirmer votre commande.2.1.0NoPropose an alternative